The adoption of an Oaural Ribbon gestures toward entirely new areas of Biblical exploration and analysis.

With two new indexes to apply ([Generation 000] and [Serial 0000]), I imagine for myself a range of arithmetical relations among both the structural apparatus of the entire scroll, and the numbers that are internal to each Generation's narrative.

It seems obvious to me that the text of Genesis is a kind of cypher; a puzzle that wants to be understood. The longer one tinkers, the more is revealled. But effective tinkering requires a sensible structure, and that structure is given by the Oaural Ribbon.

In the Generational sections below, I'm mostly just riffing. I'm speculating and doodling. I'm sifting through the text with a relatively fine filter, seeking to make explicit any and all numerical references, operations, and counts. I imagine that this work will reveal forms and shapes in the narrative that are easily obscured by the sheer density of the storytelling.

This page (like the site itself) is an ongoing Work-in-Progress.

Seven Lights

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 34 verses.

01 - IOQB B
02 - IOQB B
03 - IOQB B
04 - IOQB B
05 - IOQB B
06 - IOQB B
07 - IOQB B
08 - IOQB B
09 - IOQB B
10 - IOQB B
11 - IOQB B
12 - IOQB B
13 - IOQB B
14 - IOQB B
15 - IOQB B
16 - IOQB B
17 - IOQB B
18 - IOQB B
19 - IOQB B
20 - IOQB B
21 - IOQB B
22 - IOQB B
23 - IOQB B
24 - IOQB B
25 - IOQB B
26 - IOQB B
27 - IOQB B
28 - IOQB B
29 - IOQB B
30 - IOQB B
31 - IOQB B
32 - IOQB B
33 - IOQB B
34 - IOQB B

In counting to 34, I look for numerical relations among the other Generations. I note the following:

Seven Lights (34) is twice the length of the Generations of Shem (17)

Narrative Numbers

The text invites me to count:

The opening section of Genesis is often called "Creation" or "The First Seven Days". I resist the translation of the Hebrew "IUM" with the English "Day." Rather, I interpret "IUM" as "Light." This approach allows for a more metaphorical and poetic understanding of a Human Being's passage through Time. Namely, it begins at CONCEPTION, and proceeds through a series of "Life-Lights" that culminate in one's absorption into ETERNITY.

and it is evening
and it is morning
36 Weeks
6 years
6 years
12 years
24 years
72 years

The above framework by which a generic Human Being (whom I've named "IHUH") travels through Space-Time suggests to me that this 34-verse recital was likely a public performance to be learned in one's formative years, and repeated on a weekly basis throughout one's life.

This recital has the effect of giving a rock-solid certainty to the centrality of the number 7 as holy and sanctified, and sets up the important cycle of "6 DAYS ON, 1 DAY OFF". This [6 + 1 = 7] counting pattern continues indefinitely, and grounds the Tribal timekeepers into a manageable partition of days. The reliable, repetiive pattern produces a collectible and countable physical token every seven days.

Within the span of Childhood (i.e. Life-Light Two, from BIRTH to CONSENT), an Initiate will hear (and presumeably memorize) the story of the Seven Lights. During this period, the Initiate (with the help of parents) will accumulate (to count and trade) a growing collection of weekly tokens. Although the Initiate is counting to Seven, s/he would likely remain ignorant of the precise number of verses alloted to each Life-Light:

Verse Time Unit BIRTH
01 - IOQB B IUM AXD Childhood
02 - IOQB B IUM AXD Childhood
03 - IOQB B IUM AXD Childhood
04 - IOQB B IUM AXD Childhood
05 - IOQB B IUM AXD Childhood
06 - IOQB B IUM $NI Childhood
07 - IOQB B IUM $NI Childhood
08 - IOQB B IUM $NI Childhood
09 - IOQB B IUM $LI$I Childhood
10 - IOQB B IUM $LI$I Childhood
11 - IOQB B IUM $LI$I Childhood
12 - IOQB B IUM $LI$I Childhood
13 - IOQB B IUM $LI$I Childhood
14 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
15 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
16 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
17 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
18 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
19 - IOQB B IUM RBIOI Childhood
20 - IOQB B IUM XMI$I Childhood
21 - IOQB B IUM XMI$I Childhood
22 - IOQB B IUM XMI$I Childhood
23 - IOQB B IUM XMI$I Childhood
24 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
25 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
26 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
27 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
28 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
29 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
30 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
31 - IOQB B IUM H$$I Childhood
32 - IOQB B IUM H$BIOI Childhood
33 - IOQB B IUM H$BIOI Childhood
34 - IOQB B IUM H$BIOI Childhood
Verse Time Unit CONSENT

The distribution of Life-Lights is summarized as follows:

Textual Patterns

I note there is 1 speaking part: ALHIM.

Thematic Meditations

I note here that a scorpion molts seven times.

I imagine a Human Being ascending a staircase (the tail of the scorpion?) with seven steps to reach Heaven.

The Heavens and the Earth

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 72 verses.

As discussed on the Generations page, the number 72 is important relative to the rest of the text, because removing it from the whole leaves a remainder of 1461 days.

Total Lines: 1533  
Heaven and Earth 72 H$MIM UHAR¢
Remainder: 1461  

This interval of evenings and mornings totals precisely to a 4-year "OLUMpic" cycle, requiring an extra day to re-synchronize the regular clockwork of the ecliptic.

Time Unit Count Time Unit

Narrative Numbers

The text invites me to count:

By listing all the distinctive characters named in this Generation, I arrive at a count of 20.

The offspring of ODH and ¢LH make things that create noise, but LMK calls to his N$IM in hopes they will hearken to his speech. He says to them, if "Seven-Fold" ($BOTIM) "avenged" (IQM) "Cain" (QIN), and LMK "Seventy-Seven" ($BOIM U$BOH). This is the first utterance of a number, and I find it signficant that the abstraction revolves around multiples of 7, and, in particular, the number 77. This suggests to me some arithmetic operations: 7 + (7 x 10). Or, conversely, 7 x 11.

Textual Patterns

I note that IHUH ALHIM converses with ADM, XUH, and NX$.

I note that only IHUH converses with QIN.

I note that LMK converses with ODH and ¢LH.

I note there are 6 speaking parts: (IHUH) ALHIM, ADM, XUH, NX$, QIN, and LMK.

Thematic Meditations

I take this opportunity to reflect upon the number 72, and imagine two distinct ways to interpret its significance to the overall narrative. The first distinction articulates a Gateway of Earth, and the second distinction articulates a Gateway of Heaven.

In the table below, I imagine 72 HOURS - an equivalent to 3 DAYS. I think about the three days that might be required to re-synchronize a clockwork that has had 12 years to fall out of time with the sun's position on the ecliptic. In other words, 3 x 4-YEAR cycles would require 3 DAYS to bring an Initiate through the CONFIRMATION rite that comes at the conclusion of Life-Light Three. When that happens, the Initiate passes through the gateway of Earth, and is redeemed into the accuracy of the Tribe's earth-bound Count.

Verse Time Unit Ritual Start
01 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 01 Confirmation
02 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 02 Confirmation
03 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 03 Confirmation
04 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 04 Confirmation
05 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 05 Confirmation
06 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 06 Confirmation
07 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 07 Confirmation
08 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 08 Confirmation
09 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 09 Confirmation
10 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 10 Confirmation
11 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 11 Confirmation
12 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 12 Confirmation
13 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 13 Confirmation
14 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 14 Confirmation
15 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 15 Confirmation
16 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 16 Confirmation
17 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 17 Confirmation
18 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 18 Confirmation
19 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 19 Confirmation
20 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 20 Confirmation
21 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 21 Confirmation
22 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 22 Confirmation
23 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 23 Confirmation
24 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 24 Confirmation
25 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 25 Confirmation
26 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 26 Confirmation
27 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 27 Confirmation
28 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 28 Confirmation
29 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 29 Confirmation
30 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 30 Confirmation
31 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 31 Confirmation
32 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 32 Confirmation
33 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 33 Confirmation
34 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 34 Confirmation
35 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 35 Confirmation
36 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 36 Confirmation
37 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 37 Confirmation
38 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 38 Confirmation
39 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 39 Confirmation
40 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 40 Confirmation
41 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 41 Confirmation
42 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 42 Confirmation
43 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 43 Confirmation
44 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 44 Confirmation
45 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 45 Confirmation
46 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 46 Confirmation
47 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 47 Confirmation
48 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 48 Confirmation
49 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 49 Confirmation
50 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 50 Confirmation
51 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 51 Confirmation
52 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 52 Confirmation
53 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 53 Confirmation
54 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 54 Confirmation
55 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 55 Confirmation
56 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 56 Confirmation
57 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 57 Confirmation
58 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 58 Confirmation
59 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 59 Confirmation
60 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 60 Confirmation
61 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 61 Confirmation
62 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 62 Confirmation
63 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 63 Confirmation
64 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 64 Confirmation
65 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 65 Confirmation
66 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 66 Confirmation
67 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 67 Confirmation
68 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 68 Confirmation
69 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 69 Confirmation
70 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 70 Confirmation
71 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 71 Confirmation
72 - H$MIM UHAR¢ HOUR 72 Confirmation
Verse Time Unit Ritual End

In the table below, I imagine 72 YEARS - a span of time whose duration is definite, but within which an Initiate's sojourn will vary. From 120 YEARS (which is understood as the lifespan of Adam), I subtract 72 years to arrive at the start of RETIREMENT, in which all the Initiate's duties of Tribal education have been discharged with honour and on schedule. During this long stretch, the Initiate's exact day of death remains uncertain, but s/he looks forward to the BURIAL rite that comes at the conclusion of Life-Light Six. When that happens, the Initiate passes through the gateway of Heaven, and is redeemed into the accuracy of God's celestial Count.

Verse Time Unit GREAT-
01 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 01 Retirement
02 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 02 Retirement
03 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 03 Retirement
04 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 04 Retirement
05 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 05 Retirement
06 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 06 Retirement
07 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 07 Retirement
08 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 08 Retirement
09 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 09 Retirement
10 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 10 Retirement
11 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 11 Retirement
12 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 12 Retirement
13 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 13 Retirement
14 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 14 Retirement
15 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 15 Retirement
16 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 16 Retirement
17 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 17 Retirement
18 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 18 Retirement
19 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 19 Retirement
20 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 20 Retirement
21 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 21 Retirement
22 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 22 Retirement
23 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 23 Retirement
24 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 24 Retirement
25 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 25 Retirement
26 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 26 Retirement
27 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 27 Retirement
28 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 28 Retirement
29 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 29 Retirement
30 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 30 Retirement
31 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 31 Retirement
32 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 32 Retirement
33 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 33 Retirement
34 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 34 Retirement
35 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 35 Retirement
36 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 36 Retirement
37 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 37 Retirement
38 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 38 Retirement
39 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 39 Retirement
40 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 40 Retirement
41 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 41 Retirement
42 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 42 Retirement
43 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 43 Retirement
44 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 44 Retirement
45 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 45 Retirement
46 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 46 Retirement
47 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 47 Retirement
48 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 48 Retirement
49 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 49 Retirement
50 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 50 Retirement
51 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 51 Retirement
52 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 52 Retirement
53 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 53 Retirement
54 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 54 Retirement
55 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 55 Retirement
56 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 56 Retirement
57 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 57 Retirement
58 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 58 Retirement
59 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 59 Retirement
60 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 60 Retirement
61 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 61 Retirement
62 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 62 Retirement
63 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 63 Retirement
64 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 64 Retirement
65 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 65 Retirement
66 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 66 Retirement
67 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 67 Retirement
68 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 68 Retirement
69 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 69 Retirement
70 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 70 Retirement
71 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 71 Retirement
72 - H$MIM UHAR¢ YEAR 72 Retirement
Verse Time Unit DEATH

The Book of Adam

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 40 verses.

Narrative Numbers

The text invites me to count:

By listing all the distinctive characters named in this Generation, I arrive at a count of 15.

The implied pairing with XUH is given as ATM, which, to a listener, could easily be mis-heard as ADM. In other words, at the Aural level, a listener who had not yet been exposed to the Generations of Heaven and Earth could mistakenly count 1 character, whereas someone who had already learned the text of Heaven and Earth would know that there is another character present in the narrative.

Many other additional opportunities for a listener to mis-hear, and sow confusion. QINN versus QIN. etc.

Notably, amid the long list of ADM and his progeny, I read that ADM lived for 130 $NH, begat $T, and then lived an additional 800 $NH more. This brings his total $NH to 930. But at V35 (0141 / Gen 6:3), IHUH defines the life of ADM as bounded by 120 $NH. I meditate upon the 10 $NH difference between ADM's supposed death, and the birth of his third offspring, $T. It is almost as if $T must be understood as aged -10 $NH upon his birth.

Textual Patterns

Immediately, I note the variance in the way this partition is defined. It is not merely the Generation of ADM, but, more profoundly, the Generations of "The Book of" ADM. The Hebrew word is CPR, which translates as "the Count," and suggests the notion of a CyPheR. I interpret this Generation's timeclock to possess specific ties to a physical object (a text) that relates to the people around it and the skies above it all. In other words, an intermediary (i.e. mediated) Generation between the Humans on Earth and the star-pictures above.

Thematic Meditations

At V34, I note that Children of (the)ALHIM look upon Children of (the)ADM. On the following line, the actor/speaker becomes IHUH.

I note that this Generation is one verse less than the Generations of the Children of Noah.

In the table below, I explore the mathematical versatility of the number 120, and all the ways it can be partitioned. I wonder if these various partitions can be used as scaffolds or metaphor-holders for concepts to be encountered elsewhere in the text? Perhaps. For now, the Notes remain empty...

60 x 30 x 20 x 15 x 12 x 10 x 08 x 06 x 04 x 02 x ADM Notes
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 001
02 003
03 02 005
04 02 007
05 03 02 009
06 02 011
07 04 03 02 013
08 015
02 016
09 05 03 017
10 04 019
11 06 03 02 021
12 023
13 07 05 04 03 025
14 027
15 08 029
16 06 04 03 02 031
17 09 05 033
18 035
19 10 07 04 037
20 039
21 11 06 05 03 041
22 08 043
23 12 045
04 046
24 047
25 13 09 07 05 049
26 06 051
27 14 053
28 10 055
29 15 08 057
30 059
31 16 11 07 06 05 04 03 02 061
32 063
33 17 09 065
34 12 067
35 18 069
36 08 071
37 19 13 10 07 073
38 075
06 076
39 20 077
40 14 079
41 21 11 09 05 081
42 083
43 22 15 08 085
44 087
45 23 12 089
46 16 10 07 04 091
47 24 093
48 095
49 25 17 13 09 097
50 099
51 26 11 06 101
52 18 103
53 27 14 105
08 106
54 107
55 28 19 10 109
56 12 111
57 29 15 113
58 20 115
59 30 117
60 119


Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 89 verses.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

4 x 89 = 356. This is 8 less than Generations of Isaac (364)

89 / 3 = 29.7. This is about the number of days in a cycle.

89 + 41 (the number of verses in the Generations of the Children of Noah) = 130 (the age at which Adam begets Shet).

120 - 89 = 31.

89 x 17 (the number of verses in the Generations of Shem) = 1513. This is 20 less than the number of total verses in Genesis.

Children of Noah

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 41 verses.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

I note here...

I imagine...

I speculate...

BNI NX Count Time Unit
NX 300 + 70 + 7 DAYS
$M 300 + 70 + 7 DAYS
XM 300 + 70 + 7 DAYS
IPT 300 + 70 + 7 DAYS
LESS (4 x 13 = 52) DAYS


Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 17 verses.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations


Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 377 verses.

This number is 13 more than the Generations of Isaac, and 12 more than XNUK.

Narrative Numbers

The text invites me to count:

At V6, I read that Terah lived 5+200 $NH and died in XRN.

At V10, I read that ABRM was 5+70 $NH when he left XRN.

At V48, I read that for (2 + 10 years) $TIM O$RH $NH, the kings served KDRLOMR, and at $L$ O$RH $NH (3+10 years) they marauded.

At V49, I read that by (4 + 10 years) ARBO O$RH $NH, the kings made war.

At V53, I read "four kings at (the)five" - ARBOH MLKIM AT HXM$H. In my head, I am invited to sum them to 9, and place their factions onto an imaginary set of scales to weigh out the probable outcome of their battle.

At V73, IHUH invites ABRM to count (the)KUKBIM. On a hunch, I speculate that the correct answer is 4.

At V77, IHUH commands ABRM to take three creatures, the first two are M$L$T, and the third is M$L$. I wonder about an appropriate translation.

At V81, I read that ABRM's offspring will be afflicted for ARBO MAUT (400) $NH.

At V84, I read that ABRM's offspring will return in the fourth generation - DUR RBIOI.

At V92, I read that after O$R (10) $NIM, ABRM took HGR.

At V105, I read that ABRM was $MNIM $NH U$$ $NIM (80 + 6) units old when I$MOAL was begotten.

At V106, I read that ABRM was T$OIM $NH UT$O $NIM (90 + 9) units old when IHUH appeared to ABRM.

At V117, ALHIM commands ABRHM regarding circumcision at $MNT IMIM - 8 days.

At V122, ABRHM laughs in his heart, and wonders if he, at MAH (100) $NH, will father, and if $RH, is T$OIM (90) $NH, will bear?

At V125, ALHIM tells ABRHM regarding I$MOAL, $NIM O$R (2 + 10) NSIAM he will beget.

At V126, ALHIM tells ABRHM regarding I$MOAL, B$NH HAXRT - (come)$NH (the)after.

At V129, I read that ABRHM was T$OIM UT$O (90 + 9) $NH when he circumcized his foreskin.

At V130, I read that I$MOAL was $L$ O$RH (3 + 10) $NH when ABRHM circumcized his foreskin.

At V134, ABRHM chats with IHUH and sees $L$H (3) AN$IM.

At V138, ABRHM commands $RH to prepare $L$ (3) CAIM for their guests.

At V156, ABRHM asks IHUH about XM$IM (50) ¢DIQM.

At V158, IHUH assures ABRHM about XM$IM (50) ¢DIQM.

At V160, ABRHM asks IHUH about subtracting from XM$IM (50) ¢DIQM XM$H (5), and IHUH assures him about ARBOIM UXM$H (40+5).

At V161, ABRHM asks IHUH about ARBOIM (40), and IHUH assures him about HARBOIM (the)40.

At V162, ABRHM asks IHUH about $L$IM (30), and IHUH assures him about $L$IM (30).

At V163, ABRHM asks IHUH about O$RIM (20), and IHUH assures him about HAO$RIM (the)20.

At V164, ABRHM asks IHUH about O$RH (10), and IHUH assures him about HO$RH (the)10.

At V219, ABIMLK tells $RH that he has given to ABRHM ALP (1,000) KCP as a covering to the eyes.

At V225, ABRHM circumcizes I¢XQ after $MNIM (8) IMIM.

At V226, ABRHM is MAT (100) $NH when I¢XQ is born.

At V249, ABRHM sets aside $BO (7) KB$T.

At V250, ABIMLK asks about the $BO (7) KB$T.

At V251, ABRHM explains the significance of $BO (7) KB$T.

At V252, ABRHM names the place, BAR $BO (Well-of-Sevens).

At V259, ABRHM lifts his eyes BIUM H$LI$I (Life-Light the-Third).

At V270, MLAK IHUH calls to ABRHM $NIT (twice).

At V278, MLKH is said to have begotten $MNH ALH (8 these), which does not appear to count either ARM, or RBQH in its total.

At V280, I read that XII $RH MAH $NH UO$RIM $NH U$NIM $NI. (100+20+7). That's quite a confluence of concepts.

At V294, I read that the land of BNI XT (children of Life) is valued at ARBO MAT (400) $QL KCP (tokens of silver).

At V295, ABRHM pays ARBO MAUT (400) $QL KCP (tokens of silver). I note the changed spelling in the word for the multiple of 100.

At V321, ABRHM's OBD takes NZM ZHB BQO MSQL (earing gold half shekel), $NI ¢MIDIM OL IDIH (two bracelets over hands), O$RH ZHB M$QLM (10 gold shekel-weights).

At V354, LBN and BTUAL implore OBD ABRHM to let RBQH abide IMIM AU O$UR (days at least 10). I note the changed spelling in the word for 10.

At V359, LBN and BTUAL tell RBQH to become mother to ALPI RBBH (thousands many).

At V373, I read that ABRHM lived MAT $NH U$BOIM $NH UXM$ $NIM (100 + 70 + 5 units).

Textual Patterns

Other counts that I've noted are as follows:

10 kings, 3 Amorites, 1 anonymous person - totals 14.

Thematic Meditations

I note here the appearance of O$U (the kings "made them" war on other kings).

I note here the appearance of DN (a place to which ABRM pursues the war-mongers).

I note here the appearance of $MIM UAR¢ (things over which IHUH has dominion).

At V86, I wonder why HRPAIM are the only tribe listed that ends with the letter "M".

ABRM Count Time Unit
XN-U-K 300 + 60 + 5 DAYS
XN-U-K 300 + 60 + 5 DAYS
XN-U-K 300 + 60 + 5 DAYS
XN-U-K 300 + 60 + 5 DAYS
$RI Count Time Unit
$R 1 400 + 80 + 7 DAYS
$R 2 400 + 80 + 7 DAYS
$R 3 400 + 80 + 7 DAYS

Ishmael son of Abraham

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 7 verses.

This is the shortest Generation of the 12.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

I note here the error at the heart of this Generation's title. I$MOAL was not begotten by ABRHM, but rather by ABRM -- prior to the name change.

TBD Count Time Unit
MOON Cycle x 2 (4 x 13) + 7 = 59 DAYS

Isaac son of Abraham

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 364 verses.

An interesting number -- one less than the astronomically significant XNUK (365).

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

TLDT ItsXQ Count Time Unit
ItsXQ 364 DAYS
ItsXQ 364 DAYS
ItsXQ 364 DAYS
ItsXQ 364 DAYS
TLDT ItsXQ Count Time Unit

Esau is Edom

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 8 verses.

This is the second shortest Generation, with only one verse more than I$MOAL BN ABRHM.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

Esau father of Edom

Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 36 verses.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

Verse Time Unit Conception
01 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 01 Gestation
02 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 02 Gestation
03 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 03 Gestation
04 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 04 Gestation
05 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 05 Gestation
06 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 06 Gestation
07 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 07 Gestation
08 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 08 Gestation
09 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 09 Gestation
10 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 10 Gestation
11 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 11 Gestation
12 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 12 Gestation
13 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 13 Gestation
14 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 14 Gestation
15 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 15 Gestation
16 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 16 Gestation
17 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 17 Gestation
18 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 18 Gestation
19 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 19 Gestation
20 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 20 Gestation
21 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 21 Gestation
22 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 22 Gestation
23 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 23 Gestation
24 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 24 Gestation
25 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 25 Gestation
26 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 26 Gestation
27 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 27 Gestation
28 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 28 Gestation
29 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 29 Gestation
30 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 30 Gestation
31 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 31 Gestation
32 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 32 Gestation
33 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 33 Gestation
34 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 34 Gestation
35 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 35 Gestation
36 - O$U ABI ADUM WEEK 36 Gestation
Verse Time Unit Birth


Structural Numbers

I define the bounds of this Generation as totalling 448 verses.

Narrative Numbers

Textual Patterns

Thematic Meditations

TLDT IOQB Count Time Unit